29.2.2008 | 08:04
moodys einkunnarkerfiš
Žaš eru kannski ekki margir sem skilja hvaš žessar einkunnir žżša nema žį žaš aš bankarnir hafa falliš ķ einkunn. Žaš er alveg skiljanlegt žar sem aš ekki er endilega tilefni fyrir alla aš skoša žaš sérstaklega.
En til aš rifja upp ummęli David Karsbųl aš śtlit sé fyrir aš einn eša fleiri ķslenskur banki fari į hausinn į nęstunni, žį tel ég aš hann hafi veriš aš tala upp śr sķnum eigin afturenda. Moodys einkunnin styšur žaš.
Hér į eftir kemur žaš sem žvķ nęst stendur hvaš moodys er aš gefa bönkunum ķ einkunn. Žetta er allur skalinn og žaš ętti aš gefa hugmynd um hvaš Moodys finnst um bankana. Žeir eru ekki 100% tip-top, en samt alveg ķ fķnu standi.
Long-Term Bank Deposit Ratings
Moodys long-term bank deposit ratings employ the same alphanumeric rating system as that for long-term issuer ratings.
Banks rated Aaa for deposits offer exceptional credit quality and have the smallest degree of risk. While the credit quality of these banks may change, such changes as can be visualized are most unlikely to materially impair the banks strong positions.
Banks rated Aa for deposits offer excellent credit quality, but are rated lower than Aaa banks because their susceptibility to long-term risks appears somewhat greater. The margins of protection may not be as great as with Aaa-rated banks, or fluctuations of protective elements may be of greater amplitude.
Banks rated A for deposits offer good credit quality. However, elements may be present that suggest a susceptibility to impairment over the long term.
Banks rated Baa for deposits offer adequate credit quality. However, certain protective elements may be lacking or may be characteristically unreliable over any great length of time.
Banks rated Ba for deposits offer questionable credit quality. Often the ability of these banks to meet punctually deposit obligations may be uncertain and therefore not well safeguarded in the future.
Banks rated B for deposits offer generally poor credit quality. Assurance of punctual payment of deposit obligations over any long period of time is small.
Banks rated Caa for deposits offer extremely poor credit quality. Such banks may be in default, or there may be present elements of danger with regard to financial capacity.
Banks rated Ca for deposits are usually in default on their deposit obligations.
Banks rated C for deposits are usually in default on their deposit obligations, and potential recovery values are low.
Note: Moodys appends the numerical modifiers 1, 2, and 3 to each generic rating category from Aa to Caa. The modifier 1 indicates that the bank is in the higher end of its letter-rating category; the modifier 2 indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier 3 indicates that the bank is in the lower end of its letter-rating category.
Short-Term Bank Deposit Ratings
Moodys employs the following designations to indicate the relative repayment ability for bank deposits:
Banks rated Prime-1 for deposits offer superior credit quality and a very strong capacity for timely payment of short-term deposit obligations.
Banks rated Prime-2 for deposits offer strong credit quality and a strong capacity for timely payment of short-term deposit obligations.
Banks rated Prime-3 for deposits offer acceptable credit quality and an adequate capacity for timely payment of short-term deposit obligations.
Banks rated Not Prime for deposits offer questionable to poor credit quality and an uncertain capacity for timely payment of short-term deposit obligations.
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